
Cycle: The craft live, Guinjoan world. Procesni Reddis Bartrina 2025 (in catalan)

During the months of February and March 2025, the Reddis Private Foundation and the Bartrina Theatre Consortium of Reus, with the support of Reus Cultura and the Tarragona Provincial Council, are organizing the series: "The craft live, Guinjoan world", under the direction of composer Joan Magrané Figuera.

The radio program La Soirée Musicale pays tribute to Joan Guinjoan.

On January 20, 2025, the program La Soirée Musicale of Radio Alma directed by Ruth Prieto interviewed François Guinjoan, in memory of the death of the composer Joan Guinjoan six years ago.

New Ibs Classical CD “Early works” with the first piano works by Joan Guinjoan.

It is now available the CD “Early works” which includes the first piano works by Joan Guinjoan, some of them unpublished, magnificently performed by the pianist Alfonso Calderón De Castro and edited by the record label Ibs Classical. It can be found on the Ibs website and on the main digital platforms.

About Joan Guinjoan






Joan Guinjoan



Joan Guinjoan has created a musical corpus rich in proposals of high quality and workmanship and with the remarkable merit of originality. His creative personality is the result of positions always honest, sincere with himself, rabidly independent, self-demanding and with a very high sense of professionalism. "I am a composer of the Mare Nostrum with a Cartesian mentality", he has also said of himself. In short, Guinjoan is Guinjoan, and in vain would we look for models imitated by him, just as we will not be able to detect the slightest desire on his part to do school..... But, pretending to be simply him, only Guinjoan -nothing more and nothing less-, our musician has found a perfectly defined place in the line of the best Spanish and European music of the last third of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st.

José Luis García del Busto, Académico de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

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